
write_data(vowel_spaces, destination=Path('.'), which='all', separate=False)

Save data.

Intended usage

There are multiple data output types, including

  • tracks: Vowel formant tracks
  • points: Point measurements
  • param: DCT parameters on Hz
  • log_param: DCT parameters on log(Hz)
  • textgrid: The recoded textgrid

By default, they will all be saved.


Name Type Description Default
vowel_spaces SpeakerCollection An entire SpeakerCollection required
destination str | Path Destination directory. Defaults to Path("."). Path('.')
which Literal[‘all’] | list[Literal[‘tracks’, ‘points’, ‘param’, ‘log_param’, ‘textgrid’]] Which data to save. The values are described above. Defaults to “all”. 'all'
separate bool Whether or not to write separate .csvs for each individual speaker. Defaults to False. False