Function reference

Sequence Classes

These classes define attributes and methods for Intervals and Points.

Common Features

These classes define common attributes and methods available to intervals and points.

PrecedenceMixins Methods and attributes for SequenceIntervals and SequencePoints
InTierMixins Methods and attrubites relating Sequence* objects to tiers.


The basic SequenceInterval class and special Top and Bottom classes. For customized SequenceIntervals, see Word and Phone, or custom_classes().

SequenceInterval A class to describe an interval with precedence relationships and hierarchical relationships
Top A top level interval class
Bottom A bottom level interval class


There is just a single SequencePoint class, since points don’t have hierarchical relationships defined.

SequencePoint Sequence Points


Tiers Classes

Common Features

These classes define common attributes and methods shared accross all tier and tiergroups.

TierMixins Methods and attributes for Sequence Tiers
TierGroupMixins Methods and attributes for grouped tiers

Tiers and Tier Groups

These classes define tiers and tier groups.

SequenceTier A sequence tier
SequencePointTier A SequencePointTier class
TierGroup Tier Grouping


TextGrid Classes

AlignedTextGrid An aligned Textgrid

Custom Classes

Custom Classes

Custom Class Creation

This is a function that will quickly create custom classes - package: aligned_textgrid.custom_classes name: custom_classes

Word and Phone Classes

These are mostly intended to be used with textgrids that are the product of forced alignment.

Word A Word subclass of SequenceInterval
Phone A Phone subclass of SequenceInterval

PoLaR Classes

These are classes intended to make it easier to work with PoLaR annotation.

PrStr PrStr tier points
ToBI A ToBI point class
ToBI A ToBI point class
TurningPoints A turning point class
Ranges A ranges interval
Levels A levels point class
Misc Misc points

DataFrame outputs

This will return a polars dataframe given an aligned_textgrid object

to_df Return an aligned_textgrid object as a dataframe
